Bunny therapy is finally re-opening after a crazy two years of Covid and a big move with a much bigger remodel! I know how hard the past two years has been for many families and I am excited to see you all again plus some new faces hopefully!
We no longer are located in Kent but have moved to Auburn Washington. Honestly, I never thought I'd live in Auburn. The main area I was looking to move to was Hobart/ Maple Valley but God had other plans and He's planted me here. Our neighborhood is so wonderful and quiet. We live a few houses down from Sir Mix A lot. I was thinking of asking him to come to an event here to perform " I like big buns and I cannot lie". We'll see how that goes. I prayed for at least an acre and we got 5! Such a blessing and miracle. Knowing me, I will have to branch out and get more animals but in this season of life I have been flying ALL over the U. S to hand deliver our precious buns to their new families. Last year I racked up 300,000 miles with Alaska Airlines. Flights were much cheaper then so we will see what this year brings. After the Blue Clover Rabbitry Instagram got hacked at the beginning of this year I was very hesitant to re open bunny therapy. Honestly I went through a rough time frantically panicking and praying I would get it back. Having 275K+ followers was my main source of advertising. It took about five years to create and in a moment it was just gone. IG doesn't really have a good customer service base. Actually, let me rephrase, their customer service is non existent! I've heard of many other people getting hacked and their accounts being restored after 6 months so there is still hope! During this journey I had to realize that I can't rely on anything other than God. I believe without a doubt that God will draw my customers and whoever shows up to bunny therapy will be ordained for that date even if the sessions don't fill and I'm completely ok with that now. I want to make meaningful connections with my community and share the love of these precious little ones with you all! There will be a few changes with bunny therapy that I would like to share. The price has increased a few dollars because our remodel was $70,000 which was no where near what I thought it would be. I'm in debt for life but it was worth it so I could share the joy of bunny therapy with everyone! Unlike the first Bun Mansion, you will be able to use a restroom on site. Yippee! I know many of you will be excited for this! As of right now children are not permitted under the age of 13. Last year we had too many incidents of children not being gentle with the baby bunnies after being corrected multiple times. Bunny therapy was designed to bring relaxation to our families and it was getting to rowdy and hectic with children running around. Quite honestly after 10 minutes, most kids were done and wanted something more stimulating. Don't get me wrong, there were plenty of families that had children that thoroughly enjoyed the entire hour but because of the majority that were mishandling the babies and running around, I had to take action. It wasn't enjoyable for most of the adults that were attending and I will not risk the safety of my animals. Therefore, you must be 13 years or older to attend. I plan on making separate children events in the future, so for you families with young children, do not fret and keep an eye out for updates! That's all for now folks! Have a blessed weekend!
Giving back to the communityThe reason I chose to list this as the first reason is because it's the most meaningful to me. We started taking our bunnies out in the community last year and we've recently been blessed to find a few more homes and a nursing home to bring them to! There is nothing like seeing the look on families faces when they come to pick up their bunnies. Don't get me wrong, it's such a good feeling. But to see the residents in these homes smile and say that it made their whole week is simply priceless. I've heard so many stories that break my heart such as families never coming to visit them anymore because they are too busy or "not themselves" anymore due to their condition. I could rant on about my opinion on that but I won't. But I will say we only get our family once and once they're gone, they're gone. Be there for them and spend time with them. Also we recently just started doing bunny therapy session in our home! I love watching people oh and ah over our animals. It brings joy not only to them but us too! I'm so thankful that God has opened a door for us to be able to do this. We are in the long process of finding a new home that is bigger to accommodate larger groups and more activities for our community to come to! Can't wait to see what the future holds for Blue Clover! Here are a few pics from the adult family homes we've been to! I wish you could see the looks on their faces but unfortunately due to confidentiality, we can't post their faces. They all have the biggest smiles though!! Our dogsWe raise boxers as well and it still amazes me to this day that Bailey and Bo do SO well with our bunnies. I remember how good Bailey was when she was just a puppy and when we got Bo I said to myself...there is no way I will have two boxers that are good with bunnies. Well lo and behold Bo loves the bunnies as well! They are so gentle with them and Bailey is such a nurturing dog. I almost think at times she thinks they are her babies! From some of the pictures below you'll know what I mean! Boxers are high energy dogs but with the proper training they can be very well behaved. I've been considering writing a blog post on how I socialize our dogs with the bunnies so you may see that in the near future! Receiving updatesI frequently get emails from families that just send me updates on their bunnies. A lot of the time the emails start out as, "I know you're busy but..." or "I don't know if you'll see these but...". I am a very busy lady but I LOVE getting updates and I see and respond to every one of them! Never hesitate to send me pictures or updates! Some of my best days start out with messages I wake up to of families who are sending me selfies with their bunnies or letting me know how well they are doing. Some people even have questions or concerns and I never want you to feel like you can't ask me! The fact that you are reaching out and concerned or just wanting to see if something is ok gives me comfort that you care about the well being of your bunny! If you have a bunny from us than you have bought into a life time support system through us so don't hesitate to use it! Below are pictures I've received from families! These are so valuable and they're all saved to my computer! When you are passionate about what you do, there is no telling how far it can take you!