Holland Lops Holland lops are the smallest of the lop breed ranging between 2-4lbs fully grown. There is a common misconception between hollands and mini lops. Mini lops are twice the size of holland lops. . We have raised several different breeds and have fallen in love with hollands for their small size and ease of bonding! Each of our adult bunnies that we selectively have chosen to breed have amazing temperaments and are very social. We strive to only breed the healthiest buns to bring you the very best chances of raising a happy bun with a long life span.
Listed below are our does and bucks. They are not for sale! Feel free to check out our "Bunnies to Adopt" page where each litter posted will have listed the dam and sire. You can match them by name and picture on this page!
Holland Lop Bucks
Balloo Jr. AKA "BJ" Color: Lilac Pedigree: Full pedigreed
Balloo Jr is a very special bun to us! Balloo was our first lilac buck that we kept and we decided to keep his son to extend his legacy! He has no disappointed and has made beautiful babies!
Mr. Magoo Color: Blue Sable Magpie VM Pedigree: Full Pedigree
I am so excited to have Mr.Magoo apart of our rabbitry! He has a beautiful chunky head, perfect ears, and a compact little body! He will be siring many litters as he may just be one of my new favorite bucks!
Pepino Color: Lilac Chinchilla Pedigree: Full pedigreed
Pepino is our lilac chinchilla! I have been striving to get this color for years and I couldn't be happier to have him in our breeding program! He has the sweetest temperament and has no problem being held. He's made some beautiful babies and I'm striving to get more chinchilla vienna marked babies with his type.
Clover Color: Heavy Orange VM Pedigree: Full pedigreed Clover is a heavy orange vienna marked with extreme vienna in his lines! He's made some AMAZING babies and I'm so happy to have him apart of our breeding program. Not only is his coloring and genetics incredible but he's very social and has the best temperament!
Finn Color: Blue Tort VM Pedigree: Full pedigreed
Finn holds a unique place in our hearts as he is the offspring of our precious Balloo! Being a verified true dwarf weighing only 2lbs, Finn is exceptionally small and produces stunning babies. Not only is his temperament remarkable, but he is also incredibly affectionate!
Buzz Color: Orange Pedigree: Full pedigreed
Buzz was a keeper from our sweet doe Honey. His litters do not disappoint! He has such chonky cheeks, a wide crown, and perfect ears! I have such a special bond with this sweet boy. He lunges into my arms when I open his pen and loves to snuggle.
Hamilton AKA "Hammie" Color: Chocolate Pedigree: Full pedigree
Hamilton is such a wonderful buck and I am thrilled I said yes to him! His compact body, beefy head, and perfect ears have continued our hard working efforts of improving type in our buns. He is very social and a love bug who enjoys head pets and nasturtiums!
Holland Lop Does
Ariat Color: Chocolate Otter VM Pedigree: Full Pedigree
Very excited to have otters back in our breeding program! The goal is to produce lilac otter vm again! I just love her bright blue eyes and sweet temperament!
Charlotte Color: White Eared Smutty Cream Pedigree: Full pedigree
Charlotte is very sweet and easy to handle. She is so clean and her babies take after her. She carries the vienna gene (blue eyed gene).
Clementine Color: Orange Harlequin VC Pedigree: Full pedigree
Clementine is such a good mama bun who produces consistently nice buns! She is a larger brood doe so I try to pair her with one of our true dwarf bucks. She has a sweet temperament and is so easy to snuggle! She also has a beautiful marbled blue eyed.
Coko Color: Broken Opal Pedigree: Full pedigree
Coko is is very sweet, affectionate, and a great mama bun! Her babies are always so social and pick up potty training very quickly!
Eloise Color: Heavy Black Tort VM Pedigree: Full pedigree
Eloise is a home grown doe out of Clover and River that I kept! I love her vienna markings and am hoping to produce really nice vienna marked babies from her! She's been an amazing mama so far!
Ember Color: Unknown at the moment Pedigree: Full pedigree
I flew all the way to Michigan to pickup Ember! She is such a stunning bun and I'm not confident that her color on her pedigree is correct as she may be a tort or a smutty agouti based color. I will be test breeding her to specific bucks this year to nail down her color!
Flora Color: EXTREME Blue VM Pedigree: Full pedigree
I flew all the way to Michigan to pickup Flora to help our with our extreme VM line. She is such a sweet bun and I'm excited to see what she produces here!
Flurry Color: Broken Frosted Pearl Pedigree: Full pedigree
Flurry is our sassy mama with so much spunk and energy! She makes gorgeous babies and I'm excited to have her apart of our family!
Lola Color: EXTREME Harlequin VM Pedigree: Full pedigree
Lola has the sweetest temperament and is basically a lap dog. She makes beautiful babies and has the most stunning markings!
Loo Color: Lilac VM Pedigree: Full pedigree
Loo is from our special Balloo. She is a full sister to BJ and has an amazing temperament. She's also a good mama bun and has made stunning babies!
Maggie Color: Sable Point Magpie Pedigree: Full pedigree Maggie is such a sweet heart and has a nice compact body. Her babies are stunning and never disappoint! She is my number one pick when it comes to consistent PERFECT babies. Her babies have amazing type and are chonky. Love every baby that's come from her!
Marmalade Color: Orange VM Pedigree: Full Pedigree
Marmalade is our home grown doe from Clover and Miffy. She has a beautiful vibrant orange coat and bright blue eyes. She is a sweet bun much like her mama and I'm excited to see what she produces for our rabbitry!
Miffy Color: Heavy VM Lynx Pedigree: Full Pedigree
Miffy is a home grown doe from Buzz and Daisy May. She is such a sweet mama and has had amazing litters. I love her markings and she throws beautiful heavy VM babies!
Miso Color: Blue VM Pedigree: Full pedigree
Miso is our home grown doe who is a Balloo baby! She has such a sweet personality and makes beautiful babies.
Nova Color: Extreme Harlequin VM Pedigree: Full Pedigree
Pippy Color: Torted Blue Cream Harlequin Pedigree: Full pedigree
I kept Pippy from one of Emmie's litters and she is everything and more! I am super pleased with her compact small body. She is very energetic and has a fun personality but is totally fine with being held as well. She had her first baby in 2023 with no complications which is rare for a first time mam bun. She is a keeper!
Posey Color: Heavy Black VM Pedigree: Missing 1 G.G Sire + Dam from does side
Posey is a beautiful heavy vienna marked doe that I'm excited to bring into our breeding program. I hope she brings uniquely marked blue eyed babies! I really like her ear length as well. She is super sweet and likes to keep her area very tidy.
River Color: Orange VM Pedigree: Full pedigree
I brought her into our breeding program to add mass. She makes nice type babies and has large litters. Her personality is very sweet and social. She is a wonderful mama bun and has two stunning solid blue eyes!
Smoosh Color: Chinchilla Pedigree: Full pedigree
Smoosh is one of our smallest does and super sweet! Her litters always tend to be up there on my favorites as far as type goes. She carries chocolate, lilac, and the vienna gene (blue eyed gene). She is also a true dwarf.
Spice Color: Cream Harlequin VM Pedigree: Full pedigree
Spice has two stunning solid blue eyes and very unique markings! We call her black marking on her bum her bikini since it looks just like she is wearing one! Absolutely love the colors she throws and I intend on keeping babies from her in the future to bring in these amazing genetics! She is such a curious and adventurous bun and I love her personality!
Trillium Color: Extreme Blue VM Pedigree: Full Pedigree
We are excited to be bringing in multiple new extreme VM does into our program. Excited to see what this sweet doe will bring to the table! She is a very sweet bun and easy to handle.
Twizzler Color: Chocolate Chestnut VM Pedigree: Full Pedigree
Twizzler's markings were too stunning to not snatch her up! Very excited to see what she produces for our rabbitry! She does have some ear control and a tighter crown but my plan is to breed her to bucks that will compliment her. Love her stunning blue eyes and compact little body!
Willow Color: Sable Point VM Pedigree: Full pedigree
I added Willow to our breeding program for her bone mass. She makes beautiful babies with really nice type. I'm hoping to get more extreme colors from her. Her personality is very sweet and social and she's so easy to handle!
Wyvern Color: Red Pedigree: Full pedigree Wyvern is our red doe. She is a great mama, energetic, and so easy to snuggle! I flew to Colorado in 2022 to bring her home. Excited to see what she brings to our red program!
Lena Color: Chocolate Chinchilla Pedigree: Full pedigree
I LOVE this doe. Everything about her from her perfect ears to her very small frame. She has been a great addition to our rabbitry!