Listed below are our Holland Lop bunnies to adopt! The only way to view them is through our Instagram stories/ highlights or you are welcome to attend a bunny therapy session to meet them in person. After reservations are open, we are happy to send any videos or pictures of available bunnies or you are welcome to schedule a meet and greet!
How Our Reservations Work Reservations are a first come first served basis. Each litter below will have a reservation date with a time reservations will open. Click on the reservation links to read through the questions carefully to make sure you are committed and prepared prior to bringing home one of our bunnies. You cannot reserve early or pay extra fees to reserve early. Please respect our policy as we make it a fair opportunity for everyone.
You are welcome to fly here to pickup your bunny/ bunnies at Bun Mansion, however, pickup is only available on the take home date listed under each reservation, and you must arrive during open hours between 11am-6pm for pickup. No exceptions!
Bunnies are $399 which includes lifetime support! All of our rabbits are raised indoors, begin potty training here, and are handled daily to bring your family a social companion! That being said, they are ALL social and easy to handle unless otherwise noted. Please do proper research on how to handle bunnies so you can have an easy transition bringing them home. We have a YouTube channel with very helpful tutorials and information to help educate you as well!
You can purchase a pedigree for $45 which can be found on our Bun Shop page.
*You cannot switch to a different bunny once you reserve. You cannot save your reservation for a different rabbit. Be sure the bunny/bunnies you choose are the one you are committed to!*
After You Reserve If your payment went through, that means you were the first person to reserve. If you have requested for a personal delivery, please stay close to your phone/computer for your quote. Be sure to check your junk mail if you do not get the email! All personal delivery quotes expire at 11PM PST.
Available To Reserve! Pickup/Shipping is September 17th, 2024. No exceptions unless approved for a personal delivery. $399
Pico- Chocolate Otter Buck Bean- Chinchilla Doe Taco- Chinchilla VM Buck Guacamole- Lilac VM Doe Taquito- Chocolate Magpie Buck Pozole- Magpie Doe Carnita- Opal Doe